Now, we all know what PDF stands for. It has become quite the standard which people use to store readable documents and portable documents which are shared across the web and portable devices. PDF is popular becomes it is device independent. Just have a PDF reader and you are good to go.
But problems of converting PDF back to other needed formats ? Let's face them. I have and most of my friends have come across a problem where we just can't convert back the PDF to other popular formats. For an instance, one of my friends wanted to make a presentation from a PDF that I provided him. But he just couldn't ! As we know it, he said I'm the the tech savvy guy and has to help him out on it. My search started and ended almost immediately at AnyBizSoft PDF Converter which helped him out on the conversion. But the show did not end there; we also learned that it can convert to 6 commonly used formats viz., Word, Excel, PowerPoint, HTML and just plain Text as well. That's why its called as 6-in-1 PDF converter! Every single format and image is preserved in the PDF after conversion. Now, that's why I recommend it!
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