Thursday, June 6, 2013

Routing Strategies for Courier Drivers

Drivers share their strategies to help courier work for owner drivers on the road. All drivers can make use of some of the tips!

Author's name: davecito
Copyright Info: ‘Seattle WA 1992’, © 2012 davecito, used under a Creative Commons Attribution License:

Courier work for owner drivers involves logistical thinking, especially when deciding on which is the quickest route to get to destinations.

Here are some veterans who have dealt with various situations who have shared their tips with you here:-
Planning Ahead

Plan a route and know your route! This not only means having thorough knowledge on the area you are operating, but also having alternatives in stock as driving via various routes does factor in courier work. For owner drivers the ideal route would be one that that includes the necessary delivery stops and also avoids problem areas, e.g. traffic-prone junctions. This awareness will also help couriers in quickly observing which areas are safe, and which ones are not. Planning such routes is an indispensable skill which is acquired over time and experience on the road.

Knowing the Ground

By knowing the routes that are available to you, you can effectively choose the best one. Courier work for owner drivers is usually available on a country-wide basis, but there are regional and local opportunities too.

Being Adaptable
Being adaptable is key when travelling and doing courier work. For owner drivers, it is an important skill to be able to choose from multiple routes as opposed to committing to the same trail every time. It is beneficial knowing different routes as it will increase your flexibility, allowing you to react to different situations more efficiently. By adapting to different paths, one can quickly plan ahead with the knowledge they have and conduct logistical and delivery operations in methodical, organised manner.

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